light blue white

Offer3.510,00 €
in stock: September

VAT included. Shipping costs will be calculated at checkout

The sea kayak in the low volume version for light to medium-weight paddlers. It offers an easy-to-control kayak, comfortable access and space for additional load. The lightweight sea kayak (17.8 kg) comes with a robust carbon Kevlar layup with keel strips as standard.

Extra colour option: Seat/coaming (white): included in the price at €100.
Laminated keel strip (light blue): included in the price at €120.

🐦 Early Bird promotion:
Order and pay for this kayak now and we'll give you the BLUE Edition carbon paddle worth €299 as a gift! BLACK Edition carbon paddle with additional payment.
Find out more here:

Steering optional: without tail rudder

Test this kayak near you:

Just contact the location of your choice and make an appointment.
Test the kayak you want when it's there.
The kayak will either be sent to you and your desired address when you order it, or you can pick it up at the test station. When ordering, please let us know at which station you tested it.